1. Osmanisches Reich Alexander 15 VZ (+1) Alexander Tielmann
2. Frankreich Silly 9 VZ (-) Michael Silvanus
3. Deutsches Reich Dominik 5 VZ (-) Dominik Grünberger
4. Russland Rüdiger 5 VZ (+1) Rüdiger Roth
5. Italien Jochen 0 VZ (-2) Jochen Müller
6. Österreich-Ungarn Stefan 0 VZ (-) Stefan Rohmer
7. Großbrittanien Frank 0 VZ (-) Frank Windau
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Diplomacy-Partie Ludomaniac 1383 - Standard A
Frühjahr 1908 zurück zu H1907

Zugabgabe: Mittwoch, 24.03.21 Freitag, 26.03.21 , 10:00
Zugabgabe für H1908 bitte per E-Mail an **hier klicken**
Betreff: Dip1383 - H1908 - Deine Nation
Spielleiter: Hendrik Richter
France: F edi Holds
France: A gas -> mar
Failed because France: A mar -> pie failed.
France: A mar -> pie
Failed because France: A pie -> tus failed.
France: F mao -> naf
France: F nao -> mao
France: A pie -> tus
Bounced with rom (1 against 1).
France: F spa/sc -> lyo
France: A tyr -> tri
Bounced with tri (1 against 1).
Dislodged from vie (3 against 1). -> retreat to mun
France: F wes Supports F mao -> naf
Germany: F bal Holds
Germany: A boh Supports A gal -> vie
Germany: A gal -> vie
Germany: F bot -> lvn
Germany: A lvn -> pru
Russia: F fin -> bot
Russia: A mos -> ukr
Russia: F nwy Holds
Russia: A stp -> mos
Russia: A war Supports A mos -> ukr
Turkey: F aeg -> ion
Turkey: A ank -> rum
Convoy path taken: ank→bla→rum.
Turkey: F bla Convoys A ank -> rum
Turkey: A bul -> ser
Turkey: A con -> bul
Turkey: F ion -> tys
Turkey: F rom -> tus
Bounced with pie (1 against 1).
Turkey: A sev Supports A ukr
Support failed. Move orders must be supported explicitly.
Turkey: A smy -> con
Turkey: A tri Supports A vie -> tyr
Turkey: F tun Supports F ion -> tys
Turkey: A ukr -> gal
Turkey: A ven Supports A vie -> tyr
Turkey: A vie -> tyr
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